Study aids are a useful resource to enhance learning. They help students gain more information about a topic and consider scenarios that test their understanding of that topic.
Although most instructions post their lecture notes in a university database where students have 24/7 access, sometimes additional information may present a more in-depth picture of the subject matter that enhances understanding.
Materials presented in STEM Digital Village’s Study Aids section are readily available online. Each topic is linked to this information.
The real key to understanding a course’s content is to develop good study skills.
The real key to understanding a course’s content is to develop good study skills.
Good study skills can increase your confidence, competence, and self-esteem. They can also reduce anxiety about tests and deadlines. Harvard University offers the following 10 study tips (also listed below) that can help keep you prepared and focused. (Click here for explanation of each item).
Don’t Cram!
Plan Ahead—and Stick To It!
Ask for Help
Use the Buddy System
Find Your Learning Style
Take Breaks
Cultivate a Productive Space
Reward Yourself
Review, Review, Review
Set Specific Goals
Biology * General Chemistry*Organic Chemistry*Mathematics
Biology Study Aids
Study Aids listed below provide a great starting point for seeking additional information that enhances your understanding of subject matter.
Chemistry Study Aids
Instructors are available during posted office hours to assist you with understanding course subject matter. Availability is online, in the Instructor’s Canvas calendar.
Instructors’ class lecture notes are also posted in Canvas. If your own class notes are not clear, you might want to review PowerPoint notes that are available online at Canvas.
Additional Online Study Aids
In addition to the above resources, there are many great study aides available online. Some of those resources are listed below.
Fundamentals of Chemistry
Khan Academy has a library of over 2,800 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and 290 practice exercises. Scroll to the Chemistry section and you will find videos that demonstrate a range of topics. You will also find a Khan Academy video selection (104 videos) on YouTube.
Get help with understanding polyatomic ions (will help in balancing equations here.
Get help with the mole concept here.
Master Organic Chemistry Feed
Provide student-centered articles, students success in organic chemistry, address the problems people have in learning organic chemistry.
Spectroscopy and Synthesis Quizzes
Hey All! If the site has had a consistent weak spot over the past few years, it’s been in the realms of spectroscopy and synthesis.
Keto-Enol Tautomerism
An extensive introduction to keto-enol tautomerism in aldehydes and ketones, with mechanisms, quizzes, key concepts, references and more.
Alkene Stability
Alkene Stability (And Instability) What factors affect alkene stability? If you’ve studied elimination reactions, no doubt you’ve learned about Zaitsev’s Rule – about how elimination
E and Z Notation For Alkenes (+ Cis/Trans)
E and Z Notation For Alkenes Unlike C–C single bonds, C–C double bonds can’t undergo rotation without breaking the pi bond One consequence of this
Acetylides from Alkynes, And Substitution Reactions of Acetylides
Alkylation of acetylides Terminal alkynes have unusually acidic C–H bonds (pKa 25). Treatment with a strong base such as sodium amide (NaNH2) gives an acetylide,